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Applications that store state in a database can leverage prebuilt Acorns that provide an instance of a database.


Acorn allows you define and deploy multiple containerized applications and link them together. This can be done by defining multiple containers in a single Acornfile or by deploying multiple Acorns and linking them together. When it comes to data services there is a draw back to the approach because the user needs to look at each Acorns definition and map the configuration values to the consuming containers. Something simple like one container using user instead of username can cause a misconfiguration and require an update to the Acornfile.

To address this problem Acorn provides a standardized service type that can be used to simplify the configuration between applications. Allowing multiple Acorns that implement the same service can easily be swapped out and replaced without any updates to the consuming Acornfile.

Service Structure

All services have the same basic structure:

services: name: {
// ip or FQDN of a service
address: ""
// ports exposed by the service
ports: []
// secrets exposed by the service
secrets: []
// Set of permissions that will be granted to the consuming container
consumer: []
// Data the service author believes is needed by the consuming app
data: {}

A consuming app can then reference the service by name. In this example the service is named db, but it could be named something else:

services: db: {
address: "db.address"
ports: "3306"
secrets: ["admin"]
container: "mariadb"
data: {
dbName: "mydb"

containers: app: {
image: "myapp"
env: {
DB_HOST: "@{services.db.address}"
DB_PORT: "@{services.db.ports.3306}"
DB_USER: "@{services.db.secrets.admin.username}"
DB_PASS: "@{services.db.secrets.admin.password}"
DB: "@{}"
consumes: ["db"]

containers: mariadb: {
image: "mariadb"
env: {
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "secrets://admin/password"

secrets: admin: {
type: "basic"
data: {
username: "root"
password: ""

In this example the app container is using the db service, and not the mariadb container directly. By using the service interface, when it comes time to deploy to production and the application operators want to use a managed service like RDS, the service can be swapped out without updates to the package Acorn.

The app container is using consumes to require the service to be available before starting. Containers should always use consumes for services even if no permissions are exposed on the implementation. If another implementation is used later on it could pass along permissions.

Services Versions

The versioning schema for the Acorns providing database services follow the following schema:

[Upstream version]-[Acorn Package Number]

Where the upstream version matches the version of the software packaged in the Acorn. For instance if MariaDB 10.11.5 is being packaged the initial Acorn version would be:


If there is a change to the Acorn that does not change the upstream version, the Acorn package number will be incremented.

In the event the upstream versions only support major and minor versions, then no patch version will be included. For instance if the upstream version is 10.11, the Acorn version would be:
