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Visual Studio Code Plugin

Acorn VS Code Extension

The Acorn VS Code extension provides several features to help you develop your Acornfiles and applications on the Acorn platform. This makes it easy for the developer to interact with the platform and deploy their applications without leaving the comfort of their IDE.

Installing the extension

To install the Acorn VS Code extension from within VS Code, open the extensions panel in VS Code. You can do this by clicking on the extension icon in the left-hand toolbar or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X on Windows or Cmd+Shift+X on Mac.

Search for the Acorn extension and click the install button.

VS Code Extension

Once the extension is installed you will notice the Acorn Labs logo is now on the left-hand toolbar.

Using the extension

When you create and open an Acornfile, the extension will highlight the keywords and provide snippets to help you write your Acornfile.

The extension also adds commands to the command palette to help you interact with the Acorn platform. You can open the command palette by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac. Then start typing Acorn to see the available commands.

You can run interactive mode, get the logs, build an image, sign in to the platform, and deploy your application all from the command palette.

You can also view the running apps in your account and move between projects from the Acorn panel view. To open the Acorn panel, click on the Acorn icon in the left-hand toolbar.