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CLI Installation and Upgrade

Acorn CLI

Homebrew (macOS & Linux)

The preferred method for installing on Mac and Linux is to use the brew package manager.

You can install the latest Acorn CLI with the following:

brew install acorn-io/cli/acorn

You can also follow the binary installation below.

curl|sh install (macOS & Linux)

If you don't have homebrew, you can install the CLI with this one-liner:

curl | sh

Scoop (Windows)

You can install the latest Acorn CLI with the following:

scoop install acorn

Manual install

You can download the Acorn CLI binary from the project's GitHub page.

Download the correct binary for your platform.


Download either the universal DMG or the tar.gz file.

For the DMG run through the installer.

For the tar.gz download:

tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/acorn-v<version>-macos-universal.tar.gz
cp ~/Downloads/acorn /usr/local/bin/acorn

Note: if using zsh you will need to make sure ulimit -f can handle files > 140MB


Download the tar.gz archive for your architecture. Uncompress and move the binary to your PATH.

 tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/acorn-v<version>-linux-<arch>.tar.gz
mv ~/Downloads/acorn /usr/local/bin


Uncompress and move the binary to your PATH.

Development Binaries (main build)

The last successful build from the HEAD of the main branch is available for macOS, Linux, and Windows

Shell completion

The Acorn CLI supports command autocompletion. If you installed acorn using homebrew, this is already configured for you. If you installed using the manual or curl|sh method, you must enable shell completion yourself.

To set autocompletion for the current terminal session, use the command that matches your shell:

source <(acorn completion bash)
source <(acorn completion zsh)
acorn completion fish | source

For permanent effect add the same line to your shell specific profile:

  • ~/.bashrc
  • ~/.zshrc
  • ~/.config/fish/

Upgrading CLI


brew update
brew upgrade acorn-io/cli/acorn


Download the latest binary version and install following the binary install method.

Uninstall CLI

Removing the CLI is straight forward.


To uninstall using the brew package manager:

brew uninstall acorn-io/cli/acorn


To uninstall the CLI, simply remove the binary from your PATH.